Dealing with a chemical pregnancy

Kaela • Miracles happen

Hi ladies.

Well the title says it all. Got about a dozen bfps mid last week. (I was in shock, tried every one on the market except digital since I thought it'd be too soon) got my blood test Friday will hear the results tomorrow. I've taken a few since then to see if I got any darker lines, all getting more and more faint until finally they are all negative including clear blue digital. I have an ob appointment for early Tuesday...should I keep it? The first day of my last cycle was June 4th so I was going to have one to see what the eff was up anyway. But now I'm worried that might be a little too emotional now that I no longer appear pregnant. I talked to my mom and she told me not to give up hope yet because she got 3 pos tests with me and then negative so she didn't know she was pregnant with me until 4 months, but I know in my heart the pregnancy never took with me.

Has anyone else experienced this? How did you deal? I'm trying to look at it in the most positive way possible or else I might be shattered!