Im late!!!!! šŸ˜ any ladies miss their period & have little to no symptoms get a BFP??? Im feeling little bloated & slight cramps come & go for a few seconds, I'm gonna test tonight or tomorrow. Baby dust please!!

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Posted at
I'm late too and no symptoms. Tired bloated maybe a little moody. I'm going to attempt to wait until Thursday when I'm a week late to test. I won't test after first morning pee so I just have to get through that lol.


Clarice ā€¢ Jul 28, 2016
Any luck?


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 27, 2015
It. So we shall see! Baby dust to you Hun!


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 27, 2015
Me too! Only thing Iv really noticed is usually when I'm on my period or about to start in literally eating my whole kitchen. Past week iv had like no appetite, iv been so exhausted & bloated feeling. Few cramps come & go nothing horrible. But part of me thinks I am and part of me refuses to believe


Posted at
I don't know how many more times I can desperately hope and pray that one of these will come up with two lines with the greatest news I will ever receive. I don't know how many more times I can look down and see this. It breaks my heart....I took a test yesterday afternoon, I'm a week late which is totally not normal for me. I have a perfect 28-27 day cycle. Anyways I'm a week late, and I took a test yesterday after noon, received a BFN. I told myself "don't get your hopes up" "DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP" I thought okay, maybe my urine was concentrated enough may not have had enough hormone if I was pregnant, this morning I jumped out of the bed excited too test, and this is what I got...Can't say I'm surprised but for a slight moment I thought maybe. I'm feeling really defeated. I don't know how much longer I can take this..I guess I'm out this month Huh? 


Kayla ā€¢ Aug 10, 2015
I didnt test postive till almost 2 weeks AFTER my missed period tested one day two weeks after and qas negative tested again a few days later and was positive. DONT LOSE HOPE


brandi ā€¢ Jul 30, 2015
i have been without a period fot two months now an each test comes out negative an ive been trying since February an nothinh an my period has been off an on for months now.. i went to having no period for two months then a period for 4 days then no period for a month then a period a month later for only 2 days an now im on no period august 6 will make two months..everytime i take a test i cry for the two lines.


Maria ā€¢ Jul 30, 2015
I hope you get pregnant soon, I'm the same way. I been trying since May and no luck. :(


Posted at
I'm testing tomorrow! Send me some good vibes!!! I'm really wishing it comes up positive tomorrow!


Jessie ā€¢ Jul 30, 2015
It was negative but it may still be early... So we will wait a week and test again...


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
I am too, prayers & baby dust your way! I'm so freaking anxious ughhh lol


Posted at
I'm 7 days late As of today, bought a test last night but I'm to scared to test. Been having other symptoms like my nipples hurting and tingling. Been really dizzy to the point where I almost fell a couple times, urinating a lot more. & I'm always hungry. Hope We all get out bfp


emmy leigh ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
i took a test this morning but it looks weird the line in the circle window is darker and the line in the other window is barely there should i use a different test ?


emmy leigh ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
thanks, i hope we both get our bfp


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
Prayers Hun! Keep me updated šŸ˜Š


Posted at
I'm there with you I'm currently 13 days late according to GLOW and 19 days according to my own records. I spotted on day 30 my normal cycle day and nothing since. I have no little to no symptoms. I had moderate fatigue, some nipple and breast tenderness, and some nausea. I've taken 2 EPTs both BFN. I'm confused.


Aneitra ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
Thanks and I'm praying for you too!ā¤


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
Prayers for you girl! ā¤ļø im almost week late, today I'm feeling bloated & crampy. But there not like period cramps, there more off and on stomach cramps. I hope we get are BFP!!


Posted at
I'm late too. By 3 days. So baby dust to both of us. Fingers x


Liz ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
I'm out just started spotting


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 27, 2015
Fingers crossed x ugh I have a gut feeling but don't want to get my hopes up. Baby dust to you doll!


Posted at
Good luck


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
Thank you šŸ˜Š


Posted at
I left the pill 3 months ago and I'm 4 days late this month. Is it normal to have irregular cycles? Or should i get a pregnancy test?


Posted at
Supposed to start today...but only a little spotting this still early for me....good luck


Stephanie ā€¢ Jul 29, 2015
looks like I was just a little stressed out


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
Good luck & prayers girl šŸ˜Š


Posted at
I had awful cramps for a few days last week, convinced myself AF was coming but just got hit with severe mood swings instead. Tested yesterday morning (3-4 days late) expecting BFN (was on BC) and got a BFP immediately...three tests later and hot flashes all night, I'm willing to concede there's a baby forming in there.


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 28, 2015
I'm sorry to hear that, I will keep you in my prayers. I hope nothing but the best for you & your baby. There's hope that he will come around.


Amy ā€¢ Jul 27, 2015
Haha would be happier if bf didn't flip out and bail on me when he found out. It is what it is, maybe he'll come around.


Alexis ā€¢ Jul 27, 2015
Omg congratulations!! Stories like this give me hope ā¤ļø I really don't think I am but part of me does, I'm honestly scared to test :( but have a happy 9 months!