Update after mild bleeding

Elena • Married since 2010. Have a baby boy born in Decbember 2013 after miscarriage in late 2012.
Just hoping to put some women at ease with my post - last Friday started bleeding red blood while at home, not excessive amount but definitely more than spotting- so went to the dr that day who said everything seemed ok and to see me again today. Today she was able to detect a heartbeat and she told me it was just an isolated incident and to just take it easy. 6w5d today. Ladies please don't stress if you bleed, call your Dr and take it easy with the housework or lifting. Having had a mc in late 2012 before my son, I constantly worry as well. But we need to trust ourselves and God and our body will just do what it's supposed to. Positive vibes to everyone out there pregnant or TTC x