No over the nausea and vomiting 😢

Hunter • 27, married, 2 fur babies 🐶🐶, and had baby girl 3/6/19❤️

I just feel defeated at this point. I feel like every time I think it’s getting better and letting up, it hits back worse than ever.

I’m a wafer at European wax center and was in the middle of waxing a man’s back when I felt like I was suddenly going to vomit everywhere. We’re not supposed to leave guests alone but there was nothing I could do. I just said the front desk keeps paging me so it must be an emergency. I quickly told my manager and ran to the bathroom. I literally threw up water and continued to dry heave for 10 minutes. Thank God another girl finished my guest (so embarrassing). So much for all these fancy remedies. Now nothing is working for me 😢