Having trouble 🤦‍♀️



Ok so I bought two cups the diva cup and the lily compact, I bought the bigger size because I've given birth but it feels so uncomfortable I cannot sit down it hurts and I tried both one is more uncomfortable that the other

My question is it normal? Am I putting it wrong ? Or does it just take time to get used to? Or do I have the wrong size? Help me please

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Posted at
You can take the free quiz on putacupinit and they will tell you which one would be the best for you. You could have the wrong size everyone is different Hope you have better luck sorry I could not be of more help


Posted at
It shouldn't hurt at all. If it hurts it may be too big. Even though you had a baby you may still need the smaller one. Try a smaller one and see how it feels.


xo • Aug 23, 2018
I havent but I will be looking at YouTube videos now thank you 😊


3xgirlmom • Aug 23, 2018


3xgirlmom • Aug 23, 2018
It could be on wrong though too. I put mine in wrong once and it hurt my bladder so bad. I took it out and tried again. Have you watched YouTube videos on how to insert the cup? They helped me a lot.


Posted at
The size shouldn’t actually be an issue, as your vaginal walls are flexible and should relax and adapt. I noticed that when the angle or suction is wrong, it hurts or pokes. When it’s in correctly, I don’t feel it and it doesn’t leak. You might have to try moving it around/angling it differently.


xo • Aug 31, 2018
I will have try moving it around


Posted at
Is it sticking out after it is inserted? You should not feel it if it is inserted correctly. Most likely they it is too long.


xo • Sep 6, 2018
No I didnt trim it


Harley • Sep 5, 2018
Did you trim off the stem? It needs to be completely inside.


xo • Aug 31, 2018
The diva cup does and that's the one that hurts me the most the lily compact not as much


Posted at
Hi hun! So the Lily Cup Compact is some what infamous due to the pain its causing people! So while the cup is both small and soft, the shape tends to make it very uncomfortable. As for the Diva Cup, it sounds as though you have a lower cervix (from other replies youve made). Make sure to trim down the stems of your cups, otherwise they will poke and hurt you. The Diva Cup is also a firmer cup, which isnt ideal for everyone. I would suggest finding a shorter and softer cup! A good one i was thinking of that a lot of people with low cervixes or issues with pain when using cups love would be the Fun Cup. Theres no stem to trim and its soft yet easy to use :).


xo • Sep 6, 2018
Thank you I will definitely look into the fun cup and try it out


Posted at
If the stem is what bother you both of those cups have similar stems