My bf baby mama drama... Need help!!!


Ok so my bf has this baby mama with whom he has two kids with, she had one kid before him with someone else and just had a kid with someone else. All in all 4 kids 3 babydaddies. So my man always gives her money whenever she needs it for the kids, normally every 2 weeks when he gets paid he gives her $400 no questions asked. They don't even go through the courts system. Every so often though she would hit him up like 3-4 times a week for additional money... and he would send it to her. Just recently we've had some car trouble and he let her know that he couldn't send her additional money, she literally just text him asking him for $100 for his son's glasses to be fixed which he didn't even know that his son ever even wore glasses. He told her that he couldn't because he's financially tied up right now and she flipped out... can I get some opinions here?!?!?!?