Over buying mother in law


As soon as we found out we were pregnant my mother in law went and bought all kinds of second hand stuff, which I don't mind second hand stuff but this looks like stuff from when I was a baby which would put it 23 years old.

Then I kept telling her that the baby was a girl, that I just had a strong feeling. Well we find out that she is indeed a girl. And she send me pictures of boy clothes she already bought asking if I would let her wear this.

We don't plan on having a shower till october, but I went ahead and registered a week ago, just so she could get stuff I actually want and will use. But my fiance says she won't buy anything from it she will only buy secondhanded stuff.

Is it bad if I finally tell her to stop buying me stuff that I don't want?

(also I have told her more than once that I am picky on what I want, cause I have had experience with my younger siblings on what you use and don't, and also cause we are limited on space)