New here!


I just started glow and it hasn’t predicted my ovulation yet but I was using a <a href="">period tracker</a> to help me find my cycle. I have a 3 yr old son and was using the same <a href="">period tracker</a> app and I wasn’t really ttc anymore but SURPRISE! The exact day my tracker said I was supposed to start my period, I found out I was pregnant. I’ve been trying to get pregnant for a couple yrs not always consistent tho but in 2016 I had cysts that wouldn’t go away and caused bad scarring on my right Fallopian tube so there’s a tiny chance an egg will make it thro my right tube and if it does there’s a huge chance of ectopic:/

My ob did a laparoscopy and said he tried to clear as much scare tissue as he could but he believed I could still get pregnant. Fast forward to August 9th he did an ultrasound inside and I guess there was a buildup of cysts so I had an iv antibiotic and 2 other antibiotics that I have finished. I was supposed to start my period on the 19th of August but it was very weird... it was spotting brown (dry blood) the first night then woke up to my bed covered in blood so put a tampon in but it was all coming out brown... there was some blood but mainly brown. Took a pregnancy test today it was negative, my ob also had me get blood done...

On top of the cysts, I have hypothyroidism. He might go back in with surgery but he thinks my chances are probably low depending on how much scar tissue is in my left tube. I’m only 23 with one son and I want more kids so this has also got me a little depressed😭 support, someone to talk to, advice... please help!