Some doctors can be unsympathetic


Today I went to the doctors because I took two pregnancy test that came back positive. I had miscarriage April 16th at 9 weeks so this was a happy and scary moment for me and my husband to be. My regular doctor was away so I was seen by this male doctor I don't care what sex you are as long as your doing your job well. So when I get there his assistant pulled me to the back to get my weight, blood pressure and a pee sample and takes me into the room to ask me questions, because there are some questions they know you don't want to discuss in front of your partner. After that she asked if I want my partner to come In and I said "yes". When he walked in so did the doctor. He put the ultrasound in but did not see anything and he said "oh this is most likely a miscarriage or you too early. But I'll get you prepared for the meds for the miscarriage." Or " It might have been a false positive on the test:

This tone was like oh well. Next he asked have I had any history of STDS right in front on my man. Even though the answer was no, he had no right to ask me that in front of him. Idk if I'm being to emotional or not. I just don't think that was cool. Two diffent test from two different days said positive and the test from the doctors said positive. Now i have to get blood work done every two days for the next three days to see if I miscarried again and how many weeks if I didn't. What do you think about it all?