
So 2 Days Ago found out one of my friends is pregnant again with her 3rd child .. literally all of my friends are pregnant with their 2nd/3rd child or already have at least one child 😢 just knowing that really hurts my feelings ALOT I’m 24 married and have been TTC for over 6years I don’t have the money to do <a href="">IUI</a> Or <a href="">IVF</a> let alone to adopt 😢 i think I will never have kids 😩. Husband smokes marijuana heavily, and I do it OCASSIONALLY. There’s nothing wrong with me I’m almost sure it’s his sperm count .. he thinks it’s cause we don’t have sex alot but I told him there’s no point in having sex multiple times a day if his sperm isn’t doing the job AM I RIGHT OR WRONG ?

Ps- i got these one a day pre conception pills for him and her an Today is our second day taking them hopefully they help us I’m trying to conceive before the year is over 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Ps-also I need a TTC buddy I live in Saint Petersburg,Florida and will gladly exchange numbers with someone that’s willing to have good advice for me on what I should do an I can do the same