Today’s a bad day CD 100

So today is day 100 since my last period. We have been trying for over 9 months now which I know may not sound like a lot for some but feels like eternity to me. I just went to the doctor after waiting over a month for an appointment and he basically just told me my periods can be irregular for a year after coming off the pill and his solution to that? Going back on birth control 😞 I’m not really convinced that’s the best option-has anyone done this to get their period and been successful conceiving??

To make matters worse my husband cousin and his “fiancé” are expecting their second baby. She is barely 20, has no job, and the cousin works as a bartender at his parents restaurants. I get the feeling they don’t even like being parents and have been bringing the 1 year old to the bar regularly because “he is used to the sound from when he was in the womb”. Sigh, why is life so unfair? My husband and I both have good stable jobs and would love nothing more than to be parents. My family constantly asks about babies and have no idea we are TTC. It is really starting to get to me and I feel myself tearing up multiple times a day.

Sorry just needed to vent to people who understand the struggle!

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Hey sweetie, I feel your pain, my longest cycle was over 150 days, I'm currently on cd 62, who knows when I'll have a period next. It's horrible, there is 6 of us "kids" in the family me and my partner were first to start trying.. we are still trying all 5 others were pregnant and have had babies. Heart breaking. I've been on off trying for about 5 years x