My abortion


I had an abortion the first week of this month, at 5 weeks gestation. I took the in office/at home pills, and my husband support my through it all. we already have two kids we struggle to support, we had discusses after our second about the potential of abortion if condoms failed us (as my OB would not recommend me a surgeon to preform a tubal until I was 6 months post partum because of SIDS risk). Well condoms fail us, and I was the hardest thing I've had to do.

Then in my local news, Chris Watt murdered his pregnant wife and two kids, leading all the pro life people on Colorado to demand a fetal murder law, because "even abortion is murder".

I feel as if I am labeled a "baby killer" because of the decision we chose that was best for our family.

This month has been so hard on me, I hate looking at myself, and I feel guilty when I look at my kids.

Reaching out to a support group, I hope I'm not alone.