The truck stop 🛑

Fiona ambled slowly across the parking lot, flicking her long brown hair over her shoulder. It was still so hot outside, and she just finished a burger and fries at the diner, it was early evening.

Fi was on her way across the country to take a job in Tennessee. It wasn’t her dream job, sure, but it was something, and she just had to get away from Chicago, and away from her ex. The truck stop held various cars, semis, and had a diner, variety store and seemed the perfect spot to camp out for the night. She would head back to her car and read for awhile on her phone.

Just then a voice cut through the thick air.

“Hey there.” Fi turned and spotted a guy sitting at a nearby picnic table. Soft country music was playing on his phone, and he was sipping a beer. He has a red shirt on, and from her distance she could see his well built, tanned arms.

“Fancy some company?” He drawled with a slight twang. Then he flashed a perfect row of white teeth. “Ooh, yes please!” She thought, hesitating.

“Um, maybe..” she answered. He let out a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m not a serial killer. Just so bored!” He threw up his hands, gesturing at the open space around them. She laughed in agreement. “Sure, why not,” she answered, sitting across from him.

An hour later, the two were laughing and she was onto her second beer. He was so easy to talk to and she couldn’t stop checking him out.

“What’s the matter with you, he’s a stranger!” She thought. He was tanned, with a slight stubble on his chiseled jaw. He took of his hat and scratched his head, revealing light brown eyes. He cleared his throat. They were out of beer.

“So, can I show you something cool, in my truck?” He asked, and she stared into his green eyes, trying to play it cool. “Sure..” she answered.

The two walked over to a large red truck, that looked just like a regular truck to her. What’s special about this... she thought. But when he opened the side door and she stepped inside, she saw that it like a modern trailer inside!

“Wow, cool!” She exclaimed. There was a state of the art kitchen, a large seating area with a soft leather couch. “Yeah, I’m on the road a lot so I wanted it to be comfortable.” He said. She was aware now of his scent, like pine needles mixed with a sexy musk. Uh oh.. she thought. They moved to sit down at the couch, after he had grabbed them two more beers.

she flicked her hair over her shoulder, nervously.

“So, what did you want to show me?” She whispered. He was staring at her exposed neck. “This,” He said, sliding over and trailing a finger down her neck. Their eyes met, and he leaned in and kissed her.

To be continued ...