IVF ... saving for round 3— please read and give advice!! ❤️


Ok so my husband and I had two rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with ICSI due to MFI... first ended in miscarriage and second failed... lining was perfect both times!! we did not have embryos PGS tested due to the fact that we both have children from previous marriage and I am under 35. We also ended up with 16 embryos that made it to day 5. We transferred two embryos both times, so now we have 12 embryos left. My doctor wants to do a fake cycle and do a biopsy of endometrial lining (2000 dollars) to see if they are implanting too soon and if I need one more day of progesterone shots to see if lining is more receptive? He doesn’t want to risk thawing the embryos to PGS Test them since we could have just been unlucky and picked bad embryos the first two cycles.. so should I get the endometrial biopsy and pay for a fake cycle? Or have them PGS tested ?? Or should I just have another round without any further testing and hope they use good embryos this time? Please please any advice is appreciated!!