Husband has been amazing


So 5 years ago this October I met the love of my life on the internet. We have been through so much together including breaking off our engagement once, him going off to military boot camp for 2 months, him going off to A school for 3 months, him being immediately shipped out for a 7 month deployment shortly after we got married, and found out we were expecting our first child together. After he got back from deployment I went into early preterm labor at 35 weeks and 3 days. We definitely had our ups and downs after that. We fought a lot because we weren’t sure how to be parents yet much less parents to a 4 pound 7 ounce beautiful baby boy. We have definitely had our moments where I’ve come close to leaving him. But after seeing a therapist rather recently we have come together closer then ever. I mean we still have issues but honestly? What couple doesn’t?

Soon we will be welcoming our second son. I am going to be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow the longest I’ve ever been pregnant. Well recently I had to go back to work because our financial status is not the best. When I applied for this job I honestly did not expect to get it because I’m sure they would have noticed I was pregnant ( I was 32 weeks pregnant when I got called in for an interview) but I did surprisingly! I’ve been working non stop for the past several weeks. I’ve been having to work nights while my husband works days. So he’s been taking care of our almost 2 year old all on his own at night. He also has been getting up with him early on the weekends so I can sleep in. He has not complained at all which I’m highly surprised at. Our son is currently fighting a cold, and I’m starting to get it too. So even though he wakes up every morning at 5am my husband got up this morning with our sick son and let me sleep in till 10am. I know it may not be much to others but I’m extremely grateful to him right now.

He’s a real pain in the ass but he’s my pain in the ass 😍❤️

First date, and first picture ever taken

Him with our first son after he was born

My grandfather passed away shortly before this photo was taken so I LOVE the cross necklace that my husband is wearing. I felt like my grandfather was there watching over our newborn preemie Baby 💙

When he was going away for a 3 month underway

When he finally came home!

Us announcing our second pregnancy, and also announcing we bought our first home!

We’ve been together for 5 years this November, and married for 2 this December. There may be moments I want to strangle him, but I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with him ❤️💙

(Sorry for the blow up of photos 😅)