Constant battle of “should I leave?”

I love my husband. But I don’t feel that reciprocated at all. He hasn’t touched me literally since I got pregnant (I’m 16 weeks and it was planned so it’s not like he’s mad about it). I’m a very physical person with a lot of physical needs. We have talked about it so many times but he always has a new excuse as to why he hasn’t been interested in intimacy with me. Most recently he said it’s because he hasn’t felt cared about because he’s had to do more chores around the house since I got pregnant. Literally the only thing he does now is change the cat litter and he still mows the yard. But I took extra care for a week or two trying to cook his favorite meals and fold his laundry, that kind of thing. Well this morning one of our dogs spit up in his crate. I always have to clean anything like that during the week because I get up earlier than him and get home from work first. Last time they got sick was just a few weeks ago and cleaning it up made me vomit. So I asked him to clean it up this one time. He refused. So I had to after a little argument about it. It’s just always crap like this. He was hours late from work 3/5 days this week. He just tells me I don’t care about him but I get NO impression that he cares about me. No effort, no intimacy, no kind words. But our kid needs her dad and we have a good life built. And he is my husband. I don’t want to leave. But I’m constantly heartbroken right now. We’ve talked about therapy but he’s not really interested. We had some intimacy issues (I have a much higher sex drive) before I got pregnant but not to this extent. Just wondering if there’s anything more I can do at this point??