I did, I do & I’m done

From the time I got pregnant I knew I didn’t want anymore of his kids. I was also sure that I’d never be pregnant again and here I am. Baby number 4 on the way and this mf just don’t appreciate or get what I’ve been giving him all these years. You’d think 4 days on life support would have been a wake up call but no. This mf manages to put me down the first night he gets out the hospital. He says he’s afraid to because I cheated on him last year but that’s only cause he lead me to believe he did the same on my birthday. But then it turns out he didn’t but the ugly whore has stayed in life on speed dial the whole time. I’m just tired & the pain has turned into anger, which leads to me feeling rage! I never been so emotional but I just can’t give him peace when he’s made me miserable for so long. Yet I still go 100,000 miles for my kids & him too. I’ve pushed myself beyond measures knowing that only I can bear this weight. I wanna leave but not while pregnant. I told him from day one I didn’t want this baby. Hell all our kids came out of trying to make it work. I kept the baby this far for him as he didn’t wanna try unless I was keeping the baby. I still feel like I’ll keep the baby but not him. At the same time who wants to be 28 divorced with 4 kids. I wish I made this choice years ago...Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays seem to have come & gone like every other day that ends in “Y”. He’s managed to put me down even on the kids special days. I’m not the lazy mom, I do everything from crafts, to cleaning, working, cooking...everything to show my daughters we’re no weak chicks! But it’s too late...I have no love for him. We go weeks without even touching cause I just don’t have it in me. He wants me to be affectionate but I just can’t. I just wanted to vent