Computer Games 😢😞


Has anyone got any ideas of how I can stop my husband playing stupid computer games?

I really need help. I’m due to have our fourth child in 2 weeks but his gaming is getting more and more. The kids don’t even talk to him when he’s playing cause he snaps at them and is just so checked out.

I’ve tried sit down discussions and he either tells me he’ll stop if he has to but doesn’t see why he should and he’ll always yell at me for asking (works for about a week max) or he tells me it’s just while he starts a new ‘quest’ or ‘mode’ or something like that and says it will calm down. It’s not just the time, there’s a monthly subscription charge of £30.

He’s 33, all his friends play it so I’m outnumbered in terms of getting advice / help from his friends but I feel like I’m losing him.😢

I understand everyone needs a hobby and release but I don’t have many friends, I work full time but since I’ve been on maternity I’ve been literally a full time homemaker, mother and im 38 weeks pregnant which is a lot to deal with whilst he sits there and plays his games.

It literally makes me cry when he’s not here. I don’t know what to do as he can’t see it as an issue.

I’ve done something a little sneaky today in desperation, I know it’s bad so please please don’t judge but I’m desperate. I’ve hidden his computer charger. I know he’ll erupt when he comes home from his friends (which is where he keeps going when he’s not gaming) but I plan to make him look for it to prevent him from gaming and when he finds it I’ll just say I probably tidied it away and blame baby brain. Is that pathetic and morally wrong?

Any advice / reassurance that I’ve not committed an awful sin would be so great. Thanks in advance xxxx