HFM .... help?!



So, my son was diagnosed with hand foot mouth disease on Thursday last week, we haven’t seen any spots and thought we were lucky and it was only contained to his mouth and throat, which was hell Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday. Well. This morning he woke up with a spot on his lip, a spot above his lip, and about 6 of them on his feet. Is it normal for them to take this long to appear?? He was exposed to it last Saturday and the fever started Wednesday night and spiked on Thursday. Low grade fevers after that, which seemed to stop all together yesterday. They don’t seem to bother him yet, but what can I do if they do start to bother him?! His ped said a benadryl mixture, but only for his mouth and throat.

** edited to ask, how did you mamas sanitize everything after coxsackie? Any bleach free alternatives??

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Sometimes they feel like crap with a headache and throat ache for a full week prior to the spots. The real spot outbreak over 2-3 days is the “hump” of the virus before it all starts to heal. My son and I both had it last year, it also depends on the strain because he was exposed at a previous daycare and only like 1/8th of his class got it, and for a very brief period compared to the particularly terrible (and contagious) strain we got.


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My daughter got this at a year and a half (thanks mommy and me gym class!). Her mouth bothered her most...we let her eat cold things like ice cream and juice until it felt better. The spots on her hands and feet never really bothered her. Careful...you could end up with it too (I did). Sequester yourselves at home for a bit until the contagious period passes. We did and I wish whoever we caught it from had. The public appreciates it.


MJJS • Aug 26, 2018
We’ve been giving him soft stuff like oatmeal and smoothies and cold stuff like ice pops and ice cold juice diluted with water. He has no interest in real food again yet.


MJJS • Aug 26, 2018
Thank you! My son is 12 and a half months old. I feel horrible for him. I’m praying the worst is over since his throat and mouth don’t seem to be bothering him anymore, but now I’m wondering if those blisters will come back since new ones are appearing elsewhere.