Natalie • Midwife. 29. Mama to Clea 👧🏼❤️ & Freddie 👶🏼❤️ Wife to Elliott 👰🏼❤️

Quite possibly the quickest two weeks of my life. For now I would like time to really slow down except I don’t think it will and Christmas will be here before we know it (yep I just dropped the C bomb🎄). Fletcher is growing so quickly already and I can’t handle it. I want him to be teeny tiny for longer. Not going to happen when he’s on the 91st centile for his weight. My little porker is now 9lbs11oz. That’s 1lb10oz he’s put on since birth. He’s in size 2 nappies already and I’ve started packing away some of his newborn clothes. Clea was wearing newborn until about 3 months so I find this really unfair 😫. He is still waking 2-3 times at night, I hope once the temperatures drop a bit he might start falling into a better sleep routine but I’m not going to force anything. He is also being really sick, anything from once to three times a day, I mean full on change the sheets, clothes, everything because there is so much but the midwife and HV weren’t concerned because his nappies are fine and he’s putting on the weight so any mama’s with tips on how to stop this, come my way. Two weeks in and it feels like he was never not in our lives 💙💚