Young mom and need advice

So I have recently found out I am pregnant. I am a senior in high school and my boyfriend of 3 years recently left for college 5 hours away. I haven’t told him yet because I don’t want to add stress. We had a pregnancy scare once and he was more than willing to look for another job and stay here for schooling. I just don’t want him to not go to a university for college because of this and I don’t want to make a mistake of not telling him and getting an abortion and him finding out. He very much believes that abortions are decisions made by the mother. He will give an opinion but in his mind it’s my body that will deal with the changes of a baby along with the side effects of abortion. I just need some advice please. And this was a COMPLETE accident and not expected. We ALWAYS used a condom and I have the birth control implant. Unless the condom had a tiny hole in it i dont know how this happened. But also a part of me believes maybe this was meant to happen, if we took all the steps to avoid this and it still happened.

Update- I’d also like to add that I am on the high school drill team. So adoption would mean quitting the team just to give the baby to another family. Not an option for me.