My Nephew won't stop eating.


Has anyone dealt with a toddler thst has no sensor that tells them they are full? My nephew is 2 1/2 and he is obsessed with food. He's fed, so its not that he's starving or anything but if he had his way he will never stop eating. He weighs almost as much as his 6 year old sister. He will eat a full meal then harass anyone who is still eating for their food. He will break into the refrigerator and eating everything in there. Its so bad my sister in law had to put a child proof lock on the refrigerator and he STILL figured out how to open it to get the food out. He will wake up early or stay awake and sneak downstairs when people are sleeping.

We are really concerned about him and all the doctors recommend is a nutritionist. If anyone has dealt with this before what have you done?

Thank you in advance.