Baby’s weight at 28weeks


I went for a 3D ultrasound today and loved it! The sonographer told me he was roughly 3.5lbs but that may be a little big due to him still being breech and the head in a difficult position to image.

Did anyone recently have their baby’s weight checked specifically around 28weeks? I’m worried if he is over 3lbs that’s too big!

Thank you! Here’s my little(big) man below😊

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Posted at
I went for a scan and at 29+2 he weighed 3.3lb and he said that he was a good size and measured near 97th percentile for his belly but average for head and legs x


Posted at
At 28 + 2, she was 2 ' 14. Told that is 60th percentile. They thought my 1 st would be 8 pounds though, and she was 6'3 .


Posted at
At 27+3 my daughter measured 2lbs 4 oz. They are probably off.


Posted at
They were saying he’s 2.2lbs but don’t actually know till he’s born ultrasounds are never accurate


Posted at
My baby boy was measuring in at 2 lbs 9 oz at 28 weeks 2 days


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That’s how big my babe was measuring last week.. HOWEVER, those measurements are nowhere near accurate, how would it be possible to tell the weight of something by looking at it? My friend was told her daughter would be 9.5 pounds “without a doubt” and was born like 3 days early at 7.5 pounds