Need advice I’m ready to give up 😔

Hope • CNA🤞🏼🌡

So me and my s/o Jon have been trying to have a baby for 4 months now (I know it isn’t long) and we’ve had no luck... the first time I new I couldn’t because I had the birth control implant in my arm and so I had it taken out once we talked about trying to have a baby. Well, June comes around we try again, no luck, July.... guess what! No luck. 🙄, and after I went for my 3 month check up at the gynecologist and got tested there... NO LUCK so a few days later we tried again and I don’t really feel like myself because I’m having cramps but they weren’t period cramps because I haven’t had a period and I should have them starting at the end of the month and end a a few days after the beginning of the next month. I’ve been like this for a few weeks now and I have no way to tell if I’m ovulating or not because I haven’t had a period, so I’m just not sure what to do. I’ve given all of my friends baby dust that wanted or needed it and they’re all having beautiful babies and I’m over here stuck. I’m about to just say forget it and give up 😔