Super late getting this outKeenan Daniel Verley was born May 29, 2018 💙So on Sunday (May 27th) at 2p...


Super late getting this out

Keenan Daniel Verley was born May 29, 2018 💙

So on Sunday (May 27th) at 2pm I squatted down to clean up after my puppy and when I stood up I felt two gushes of fluid. My underwear was SOAKED and the crotch of my pajama pants were damp as well. I walked to the bathroom emptied my bladder, walked out to keep on cleaning, and fluid just kept coming and coming down my left. My pajamas were soaked after two steps so I called the hospital and soon Nate and I were off to the hospital. We got there at about 3:30p, a nurse hooked me up to a monitor, got a sample of the fluid and sure enough, my water had broken. 

They brought me to a delivery room where we waited for contractions to start. But nope. Nothing. We waited a couple hrs before starting me on something to help me efface - (at this point I was only 1cm 25% effaced) - miso something. Contractions started. Nothing I couldn’t handle, and we did that until 3a. By 3a Monday, the 28th, my contractions were happening too often to continue with the miso and also too often to get pitocin. I don’t qeewas checked at 7a just to find that all night there was no change. Contractions continued until 5p, getting worse and worse, at this point the pain was at a 5-6 but the dr insisted that it could only be a 3 MAYBE 4 because of what the monitor showed and then continued to make me feel like crap and feel like I was weak. Once the nurses switched out we discovered that the monitor had been incorrectly placed the whole time and was not picking up on my contractions. 😒 the dr didn’t change them and neither did the nurse because “it wasn’t a big deal. Finally contractions slowed down just enough to start pitocin at 2:30p. For 3hrs I had contractions that felt like I was being ripped in half. Every 2 minutes and at a level 6 (I have a pretty high pain tolerance). At 5p I reached my first dose on fentanol. I was able to sleep for two hrs (two doses) without needing to breathe deep through the contractions. But after that they upped the pitocin to 10 and my contractions just got more frequent and hit a level 8 in pain. Got checked again and was only at a 2. It bothered me so much that we were getting no where even thought my pain was so much. I was so mad I just cried. At 9p I opted for an epidural and they were glad to give me one. It made my contractions more “regular” and gave me a way to rest. I couldn’t feel any of my body. The pitocin stressed out Keenan though and his heart rate kept dropping after the epidural. My heart rate spiked but brought itself down eventually. They had me on oxygen and switched which side I laid on about every hr and my temperature and other vitals were checked every 30 min. Baby was so inactive and his heart rate so inconsistent that the dr was getting worried. All the moving plus the contractions that I couldn’t actually feel made me sick and I puked while getting my catheter placed. The dr continued to just watch baby all night and check on my vitals when she noticed m temperature was rising. At first it was just small but then it spiked around 1a on May 29th, Tuesday. She noticed that I definitely had an infection from my water being broken so long. My temperature was so high on the outside and she checked my cervix one last time and said that it was way to hot, swollen and we needed to get Keenan out.  She waited an hour to see if it would come down, put me on oxygen and placed me on my side. At 2:15a dr came back in (she said she wouldn’t be back for a couple hrs). Keenan’s heart rate had become completely level and practically unmoving, at best. But kept plummeting no matter what they did. He was absolutely distressed and my fever kept getting worse. Dr came in and said “we need to be done. He needs to come out of you.” We had discussed earlier on that this might happen so after that it was quick. I signed the consent paper and by 2:45a we were headed in the OR with a team for C Section. They prepped me, brought Nate in and at 3:06a we had Keenan! My first words, partially cause I had so many drugs in me 😂 were “look! He has my fat Filipino nose!” It took about 10 minutes for them to get him out. My body doesn’t do well with meds, so instead of being numb from about the ribs down, I couldnt feel anything below my neck. I could barely lift my head. I was also shaking violently the whole time, another wonderful side effect of the epidural. When they started putting everything back and closing me up, I puked. A lot. I was shaking so hard I couldn’t do skin to skin very long, it just wasn’t really safe since I couldn’t feel my body or hands either. But we ended up with a beautiful little boy and the hell of the days leading up to it was totally worth it. I am so in love with this little human and I’m overjoyed that despite all the issues I had he came out perfectly healthy 💙 he is now 3 months old, breastfeeding is going great, he’s super strong, rolling over like a champ!