L&D Story


August 1st, my due date I went to my final prenatal appointment at 10:15am. The doctor checked my cervix and I was 3cm dilated and about 50% effaced so we decided to talk induction... she put me on the list for that night at 8pm...

Get to the hospital, get all hooked up and they start pitocin... they said if my water didn’t break by morning they’d break my water at 10am...

Pitocin all night didn’t do much for my contractions strength wise... just made me contract too often and they feared it was stressing the baby so they turned it down. So 10am comes and they break my water... about two hours later around noon I ended up getting the epidural because I couldn’t stand the pain anymore and they bring me a peanut ball because he needed to drop down more...

So around 7-9 I forget, I said I felt like I needed to push so the nurse comes in to do some practice pushes with me ( she was a b****) long story short my epidural wore off before I even began truly pushing correctly, and I pushed for three almost four hours...

He came out so blue he looked almost deep deep blue and the cord was wrapped around his neck and he didn’t cry... I had him at 12:34am on August 3rd 2018 weighing 8.6lbs and 20.5 in. Long

They worked on him for a while and when he cried it was the most beautiful thing💕💕💕

He’s now 3 weeks old and I couldn’t be more in love💕😫😭♥️