IVF Dilemma.😨Am I wrong to feel this way😔


I am supposed to start my 3rd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle on the first of September when I am due to come on my cycle.

Until then my husband and I have been trying naturally. I am 8DPO right now and I currently have a very faint first response prego test with all the symptoms, which I have gotten before. I am scared that it will not stick.

And due to being scared, I am feeling that it is better to just go through the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to increase my chances so that we would not Feel so much pain and ❤ ache.

I don't know. 😔I am just feeling all types of émotions from pregnancy failures. I am praying for my🙏 🌈👣 & 💔 all at the same time

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