My husband is a shady character...

Angelina • Happily married with two awesome kids. Celena,7 &Greyson 17 months. I also am a proud step mom to ava 6. Currently TTC!!!
So drama drama drama last night. Wow hello soap opera life. So here goes my saga. A few days ago my husband and I ran into my brother in laws ex girlfriend. When I say ex I mean like hs ex girlfriend and my brother in law Is 35. She seemed nice enough and she told me she was looking for a job at the salon I worked at for years so I gave her my number said when she got licensed give me a call and I'll call the manager and put in a good word. After that I pretty much put her out of my mind. A few days later I get a phone call from my sister in law hysterically crying asking if I gave her husband this girls.number to try and set them back up!!!! Oh course I was like no!!!.why would I ever be so grimy to do something like that. After talking with her for a bit I discover that her husband, my brother in law was caught again cheating. He is a chronic Cheater and has been caught cheating dozens of times. Apparently he got caught and lied and said that he got her number from my husband and I... here is where it gets bad for me. I know my brother in law Is a pig. I know he has cheated on my sister in law like a million times and I've never said anything to her. I know he is screwing around with the hs girlfriend bc after I ran into her I saw him and he openly.admitted it to me. So what do I do. Delete this girls number out of my phone asap. Definately didn't want the drama. So this morning I'm talking with my husband about it and I politely asked that if his brother is going to be a cheating scumbag that he please not drag me into it. And what did I get in return. My shady husband is mad at me. He was like u should have lied and said u did it. You shouldn't have talked to our sister in law.. just let it be. Truth be told I did let it be. She cried on the phone with me for an hour and it killed me to not tell her about all the times her husband has cheated. My husband continually lies to her when she asks. Tells me to not say anything and takes the fall for his brother who is years older than him. I love my sister in law and when she was crying broken on the phone I said nothing definitive. I gave her vague advice and now my husband is telling me I'm getting in the middle. He is being so shady!!! Apparently next time she calls upset I should either lie for my brother in law or hang up and tell her I can't listen to her.. idk. To see my husband lie and be this sketchy is pretty sad ... am I wrong for being disgusted in him...