Issues with my mom...

So I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant after going through a miscarriage last year. Its been a rough road to get here but I'm super excited to become a mommy finally.

I've been sharing this journey with my mom. She was one of the first people I told. Honestly no one was as excited when I shared the news this time as they were the first time, but I understand that they were scared it would end badly again. I've gotten past where I was the first time I miscarried so slowly everyone has started to get excited again, but it definitely put a damper on this pregnancy early on.

A couple of weeks ago my mom had a birthday and my aunt and cousin came to town to have a birthday lunch with my mom and I. My mom made some comments that really hurt me and this isn't the first time she has this pregnancy.

She made a comment about how, compared to my aunt and her daughter when they were pregnant, at 5 months I'm "already huge"and look like I'm 8 months. Its really not something I needed to hear as I've always been self conscious about my body and especially now that I'm pregnant. I don't understand why she thinks it's ok to say those things now that I'm carrying a child when she wouldn't have said them when I wasn't pregnant.

You see, my mom has never been pregnant or given birth. She went through

<a href="">IVF</a>

for many years but eventually my parents gave up and decided to adopt instead. So, in many ways she is living vicariously through me with this pregnancy as the pregnancy she never had.

I'm doing my best to understand that and be kind when she says hurtful things that she may not fully realize are hurtful. But its really been getting harder the further along and more hormonal I get.

I finally publically announced that I'm expecting on fb this past weekend and she took that as an opportunity to make her own post about it. She made a comment to one of her friends that I've told her I only want the one baby but "nature has a way of fixing that" and I was so upset. It makes me feel super disrespected that she won't accept my choices about my reproductive health. I almost replied to her comment on there saying something about how fortunately with modern medicine we can be in control of our bodies instead of leaving it all up to nature, but I decided against it because I didn't want to cause drama.

I guess what I want to know is am I being too sensitive or should I speak up more? Also, does anyone else have similar experiences that they would like to share to help me gain some insight? Thanks for reading this and for any advice. :)