Labour signs

It's been almost 4.5 years since I had my daughter.  Is it weird that I don't remember what a contraction feels like?  I was hooked up to a monitor last week and it was showing mild contractions.  I'm having irregular pains today which could possibly be BH or anything really.  I've been through labour before how come I don't remember what a contraction feels like?? Either way it's not like I'm going to run to the hospital so I guess it don't matter.  I'm only 33+2 weeks so it's easier to just assume nothing should happen for awhile.  But what if it does?  I also feel like I have a fever and I am right below an air conditioner at my desk.  The first aid thermometer strip is so hard to read but it looks like 99 degrees.  I had some fluid loss a few days ago as well but I don't think my water broke because it only happens to 12% of woman.  I've had headaches everyday and high blood pressure at my visits.  I'm also at risk for pre-term labour this time because of graves' disease. Is it weird that I am so excited to have this baby in my arms that I don't want to get my hopes up by calling L&D?  I just want to think everything is no big deal.  What if I miss a big sign just because I am afraid to get my hopes up?  I have an avoidant personality so that worries me even more.  I may tell myself I dreamt a labour sign just so I don't get my hopes up.  Losing it over here haha