Birth story

Kaylin • 24/05/2017👼🏻 27/08/2018👶🏻 11/09/2019💍 03/04/2021 👶🏻 due May 2025 🤰🏻

Was awake at midnight by a few back twinges and had just been to the toilet so thought nothing and tried to get back to sleep. Some time after midnight around 12:30 am I had like two jolt like feeling in my belly and thought I had the runs to went to bathroom but didn’t need to poop. water came out and I thought I was peeing again because I could hold it and stop it’s flow but it still kept coming so I put a pad on checked my midwife book and checked the colour of the water which was brown. I then called her at 12:43am as that was not a good colour, she advised me to head to the hospital. Got all my things ready with in 10 minutes I was having contractions every 3-4 mins and the contractions were so intense. We ran out of gas on the way there and I was in so much pain and contractions were getting closer I thought I have her in the car. But my mum ended up helping out and we got there around 2:07 am where my pad by then had green mucous so baby had meconium in her waters and she was getting monitored constantly, I was only a couple of cms by then and in agony. I had gas and air to focus my breathing but the pain was so unbearable. I was 4 cm by 5 am and at that point I was adamant I wanted the epidural. Got the epidural around 5:15am and immediately I was more calm and could talk and less stressed. Could feel pressure from her head but tried to fight the will to push as I was only a few cms and had a bit to go, but no contractions which was amazing. At 7:30 am I was 5 cm so they decided to speed labour up as the meconium was in the waters, baby didnt like that but her heart rate was monitored and I changed positions. By around 9 am baby’s heart rate was really concerning and I was checked again to see how far along I was 10 cm and the doctor removed the last bit of cervix and said if we can’t get baby out quick he has to use a ventouse and or an

episiotomy which were two things I didn’t want. I pushed for 45 mins and Isabella Ashlee was born at 10:06 am 27/08/2018 5 days past her due date, weighing 6lbs 15 oz measuring 51cm. no tearing, no stitches and a fast intense labour. She latched on amazingly and still had a poop in her nappy even though she had one inside.