ROLES of a Man and a Woman!

Aspirant Momma
Do you think Men and Women SHOULD or SHOULDN'T, and DO or DON'T, have certain Roles in a relationship? And please be open minded, and think before answering! Cuz I'm NOT asking Specifically if they have to be old school Roles where women have to cook clean and laundry and only men work or something like that! No, I'm asking about any type of Roles that you think Men and Women Should or Shouldn't have in a relationship??? I'm just asking what your beliefs are on the Roles of Men and Women in a relationship? Should there be any certain Roles? No Roles? If so, what is your Role and what is your SO's Role? What do you think your role and your SO'S roles should be? (if they're not the same as your roles)??? Like for example as a Woman, a lot of us like to feel and be protected by our SO,(We expect it), especially if they're a Man, cuz they're bigger and stronger(well usually they are! Lol!)! But then if we Expect them to do that(put their lives in danger to protect us go downstairs first in intruder etc.) then why shouldn't they expect something or certain things of us???