My 4 hr birth story!!!


This picture means so much to me! 😭

⚠️Birth story ahead⚠️

So last night I did something I didn’t think I could ever do. While doing things around the house I felt like I had (well TMI) peed myself but I knew I hadn’t cause I’d JUST used the restroom. So I decided to go for a walk around our apartments to see if I could get my water to fully break- YALL KNOW IVE BEEN DESPERATE! 🤣...

While on the walk I had no gush but a few stronger contractions so I went home and told Alex “I think this is it...” but I wanted to wait a little longer to see if they’d get stronger before going to the hospital. (This was at 4 pm)

Well they started getting a little stronger and still felt like I was peeing myself but no crazy gush (like Anna’s did). Went into the hospital at about 5:30 and was admitted cause I wasn’t peeing myself 😉🤣. But I was kinda disappointed cause I was only about 4 1/2 cm and I was already 4 cm since Monday... well, Once we got to our room I labored for about an hour just bouncing around and walking around and contractions were getting good then and I could tell they were making a difference! Got checked and was about 6cm (it was about 7:15pm at that time) So I decided to get in the tub to try to labor in there and see if that would help relax my body some. I was so glad I didn’t have to be hooked up to anything and just could relax. Within about 30 min I could tell my contractions were changing and honestly I didn’t know if I could do this with out any pain meds so I told my nurse that I think I was gonna need some help and she said it would be about 45 min before they could get up to me... well we all knew that this little one was not going to wait that long.

I got out of the bath so they could draw some labs real quick and check me again (this was at about 8 pm) and I leaned over the bed and just had to ask Jesus to be my strength!

Was able to get on the bed and IMMEDIATELY felt my body just pushing! I was trying to hold it back and breath but I just couldn’t. This little girl was finally ready but I was so scared that I couldn’t do it BUT God could! About 3 pushes later Amorá was here!! She came 5 min before the doctor arrived! Time of birth was 8:16... It was CRAZY!!

I am still in shock that I was able to have her all natural and that God was my only pain management! Not to discount anyone who has gotten help while deliver (my other two I had help so no shame here!) I just wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do it! God has created our bodies to do amazing things and I am so blessed to be able to experience that last night! I DID IT- ok let me rephrase that- GOD DID IT!! He created and designed my body to be able to do this!! Thank you Lord for never leaving my side and reminding me that my body was MADE to do this!