Late Period, again

Alexandra • United States Army Veteran, 74D | Studying Forensic Psychology at Southern New Hampshire University, online | Mommy-to-be ETA April 30, 2019 🤰🏻| Engaged October 1, 2018 👨‍👩‍👧

So, ever since my S.O. and I have been attempting to conceive, it seems like my period is late every month. A month or two ago, it was late by a week and we went to have an urine test done at a free clinic; it turned up negative and I got it the next day. I was broken considering I had ALL of the signs.

This time, it is late by 3 days as of today. I am trying my HARDEST not to think about it since I don’t want to jinx or overthink it but I’m curious and don’t trust Google. Plus, I don’t want to stress.

Should I wait until about a week after my late period to test with an at home test or longer?

I so want to run home and anticipate taking one in the morning before I head to work but if it comes up negative, I will continue to lose hope. Please give me your advice for this, lol. I’m just trying to figure out when the best time to test is and trying not to do it ASAP since knowing my luck, I would be disappointed and get it the next day.

Also, I am exhibiting all the signs that I am, again. I have never had these signs happen with my period before him and I started trying to have baby and no, I really don’t overthink it. I actually just realized my period was late yesterday. Gah...