My IVF Miracle Baby who almost wasn’t
Wednesday at 38+3 I went to work as usual, went for my ob check as usual, even went out to a late movie. I got home, showered, went to bed feeling totally normal. 40 minutes later around 12:45am, I woke up feeling a wet gush, stood up, screamed to wake up my husband and proceeded to watch as a huge puddle of liquid poured out of me. We were both stunned. I noticed immediately the liquid was brown which I knew could be a bad sign. We got to the hospital triage within the next hour where I proceeded to continue gushing liquid. I wasn’t even having contractions and was only 1cm!! They got me into a delivery room immediately, and hooked me up to pitocin bc of the meconium in my water, they wanted her out fast. I asked for epidural early on so felt very little pain from here on out. I labored for 9 hours waiting for contractions to get closer, but noticed the nurses coming in more and more frequently to turn me position bc baby’s heart rate kept dropping. Eventually the doc came in and explained she was not tolerating my contractions most likely due to cord compression. She tried amnioinfusion (adding more fluid to my uterus via catheter to try and relieve some of the pressure on the cord). After, We waited to see how she responded to the contractions with more fluid in there ... within 10 seconds the delivery room was flooded by what felt like 20 nurses and doctors who swiftly escorted everyone else out and prepped me for c section. I was honesty relieved to be having csection because I was so anxious to get her out safe and be done. The procedure itself was CRAZY but incredible and they got her out within 10/15 minutes. They discovered she had her cord around her neck twice !!!!
Despite everything she was perfect (and little). 6lb7oz and 9 on her APGAR. She latched on immediately and has been a champion eater ever since. Even though my delivery was scary, it wasn’t horribly painful and it was FAST. Eleven hours from water breaking to baby coming out. If you need a c section and you’re scared don’t be. The experience is fascinating and life saving. Thank god for the incredible doctors who got my baby girl here from
<a href="">IVF</a> shots to emergency C section!!! Paloma Felice 🕊😊

Let's Glow!
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