Miscarriage Support

Haley • 🤰🏼Momma to Halen

I wish people understood that miscarriages hurt. Miscarriages hurt both physically and mentally. We experience pain that no one should ever go through. We have to pass our baby, knowing that it’s not alive anymore. We have to have our baby surgically removed, knowing that it’s heart beat just stopped one day. Miscarriage is seeing pregnant woman around town and secretly being so angry and wondering why them and not you. Miscarriage is waking up everyday wondering what you did wrong. “Did I not eat enough”? “Did I miss a prenatal”? “Was my body not strong enough”? Miscarriage is something NO ONE understands unless they’ve also been through it. Miscarriage has to be ONE of the hardest losses someone can go through. You lose a piece of you and your S/O. You never get to see your little baby like you should. You never get to hold your little baby like you should. Instead you are having to call the funeral home and book a day that you can have your little baby cremated. Instead of a baby book, you get a headstone. Instead of everyone crying tears of joy because your baby is here, everyone is crying tears of sadness because your baby came but your baby’s soul was in Heaven.

Miscarriage shouldn’t be kept hush hush anymore. Miscarriage shouldn’t be “okay, it’s been a few months, get over it”. Miscarriage is serious. We lost our babies. We loved our babies. Let’s pray that one day, we finally get our Rainbow Babies.🌈💙