C Section photos


So my husband wasnt supposed to take pictures over the "curtain" but he did anyway amd I'm so glad he did! These are amazing. My 4th baby and my last. Jadelynn Dawn Perdue Born August 13th at 8:39am. 7lbs 11.8oz 19 &1/2 inches long

The first time daddy got to touch her...

The first time I got to hold her...

First family picture of the 6 of us...

She is 2 weeks and 2 days old now and we are ajusting well. She breastfeeds like a natural (she latched immediately) I'm just over the moon happy with our big family. I am actually a little sad that she is my last baby I can ever have but we definitely can't handle or afford anymore lol.

Thanks for reading❤😁