Help me please!!!!


Ok so my baby is 3 weeks old and only ever been bottle fed and tube fed. He spent a week in NICU when he was born for premature lungs and respiratory distress syndrome.

We’ve been home for 2 weeks now

and finally got his tongue tie fixed so that he can latch to nurse but he’s so used to the bottle and it being instant flow of milk that he doesn’t want to breastfeed at all.

I had mastitis for about 2 days last week and my milk supply DROPPED. I went from pumping 5-8 oz each beast to only pumping 1-2 oz each.

I went from from really full breast that I could feel when I needed to pump to now they just feel squishy and empty and I never feel like I have to pump and I barely get anything out when I do pump.

This is my first baby and I really wanted to be able to breast feed him but it just doesn’t seem to be happening.