
I have no idea how to feel at this moment. My emotions are all over the place. On 8/24 I took a home pregnancy test which was positive. At the point I'm on top of the world because I've been waiting on a positive test result for soooo long. Anywho, I called to schedule an appointment with my OBGYN on the 27th, which is scheduled for 9/10. Later on that day around 3 pm I spotted, so I freak out and called my Dr and spoke with her nurse. She asked me to come in to have my blood drawn. Well she called me the next day and told me that my HCG level was 52 and wanted me to come in on 8/29 (today) to test again. It was earlier enough in the day where I could get the results back today, I was like ok because I did not want to worry overnight. Well, When I spoke to her she said your level increased but not significantly, it went from a 52 to 67. I have to go back on Friday to have a ultrasound.

Should this be cause for concern? I'm reading online that HCG levels should double every 48 hours.

I dont know when I ovulated and/or conceived because my cycles have always been irregular. Some months I'll have a period and some I wont. For instance, I did not have a period from November 2017 to March 2018, nothing in June either. My period started July 12th and ended July 18th. According to the app, my fertile window would have been Aug 1st or 2nd through Aug 7th. I had sex on August 3rd, 4th, and the 18th before testing on the 24th. I was diagnosed with PCOS so I got discouraged and stopped tracking my temperature and taking Opks. Any insight, advice, and encouragement will be greatly appreciated.