Complaining about my day...


Well, at 28 weeks exactly my day started off with starving and not being able to find something I was able to eat for breakfast (no carbs, sugars due to glucose testing), so I made broccoli and ate it at 7:00 am lol. Well, that didn’t last long. At about 7:10 when I was trying to get my daughter in the car for school, the broccoli decided it wasn’t staying down. In the middle of puking outside in my flower bed, I peed myself...and I mean full on peed, not dribbled. So I had to go back in and change clothes (and I’m sure my kindergartener told her teacher all about it lol). I went to my dr appointment, which went well...had to have tdap shot too 😩(baby boy is doing great!) and had my glucose test, which wasn’t too bad, other than having labs drawn twice and being bruised the second time. After 2 hours of being at the hospital for my appointments, I go out to my car and find out that I cannot even open my car door because a STATE vehicle was in my space... so my pregnant ass had to climb through the passenger side of my car, over the gear shift, in order to get in my seat and drive. I totally would have waited or went in the hospital and had the person paged, but this mama was starving to death—I’m sure some of you can relate.

Just had to rant about my day! (And yes, I have contact info for the state and it has been posted all over Facebook)

28 weeks

Glucose drink...drinking it so fast it what sucks...

Inconsiderate asshole of a state employee who blocked me in...