Our last baby born Monday


My hubby & I now have 6 children between the two of us...11yo girl, 9yo girl, 6yo boy, 5yo boy, 5yo girl, & now...

Our last baby Analia Rose born 08/27/18 @ 8:22am via csection, 8lbs 12oz, 20.5in.

This is my hubby & my 2nd marriage, I am 36yo, we had considered having one more baby....he got a reverse vasectomy for us to have this precious little girl. However, after the csection birth on Mon, he will be getting another vasectomy. We decided we cannot risk another pregnancy. This was my 3rd csection & my uterus tore when the doctor just touched it....there were a lot more details that I don't want to think about...but bottom line, I lost a lot of blood & almost needed a blood transfusion etc. However, we both are healthy & got to come home today. We are so thankful that we were able to add this sweet little girl to our family!