Treating a yeast infection interfering with TTC?


Last week I went to the gyno for my yearly check up, turns out I have a mild yeast infection 🤷🏼‍♀️

She recommended I take the Monistat 7 (vaginal cream, not pills) to clear it up, no big deal. But here’s my question... my husband and I are TTC and I’m supposed to be ovulating within the next week or so. Will using the cream (at night), potentially during my ovulation time, affect our TTC efforts? Should I wait until after I ovulate? Can a yeast infection hinder our ability to get pregnant?

If anyone has experience, knowledge, or advice on this topic, let me know please! I’ve never had an infection, and we’ve been TTC for a few months, so I don’t want anything to get in the way of baby-making!