***BODY SHAMMING MY 6 year old!!!!***


Teaching my niece whose only 6 years old to LOVE HER BODY and to NOT listen to others judgment and negative comments. She is the bigger child out of all her siblings and cousins, who body shame her telling her she’s so fat that’s why no one likes her and wants to play with her.

No one really stops the other kids from saying those things but as an aunt who is big as well, of course I had to stand up for her and teach her that those kids are all step sisters while she’s Cinderella. For her to stay humble and kind that’s the only way of winning peoples heart.

Parents teach your kids to love their body, stop body shaming and to not care about what other kids or even adults say. If you hear people body shaming your child, please stand up for them. It’s going to scar them and she’s going to end up hating who she is and what she looks like as she’s growing up.

It’s hard and heart wrenching to hear a 6 year old yet my 6 year old ask me why no one likes her or wants to play with her and for me to take her to walking around the lake because she’s getting too fat and she needs to loose weight.


Thank you all very much for the amazing comments. I read each and everyone of the comments down below to her and it made her very happy and realized that there are actually nice people out there.

I just need to constantly remind her that there are amazing people who love and care for others even if they’re being called fat and ugly. And for her to know she’s being loved. 💕💕