Is it wrong of me???

Is it wrong of me to want a baby so bad?? I just had a baby a little over 3 months ago. But I have baby fever so bad 😩 I love being a mom. I would constantly bring it up to my SO... I’ve cut down a lot because I know he doesn’t want one right now. He wants to wait a couple years and I just can’t get myself to be alright for a couple years... I try so hard not to talk to him about it but he is my best friend and I don’t have anyone else to talk about it with.

I do understand loving and enjoying my LO while he’s the only baby and watching him grow but I’m so in love with the idea of having my babies really close in age. I feel like I felt when I couldn’t get pregnant, I would always see New babies and my heart would feel broken or see a pregnant woman and feel that ache because I wanted what they had sooo much. Now I see a toddler with a new baby sibling or their mom who is pregnant and I get that same feeling.

I would really like to be able to get rid of it. I hate feeling this way or feeling hurt when my SO tells me he doesn’t want another one right now. I want to just feel like a normal person and not like a crazy bitch or like I’m forcing my feeling upon him. (He is very understanding and does not make me feel bad about it, I just have a guilty conscience because I respect him and his wishes, yet I feel different. Therefore I feel as if I’m pushing this upon him... even though I am not in any way.)

I am on birth control, but I always have that hope that I’m meant to have another one right now and it just happens. (I take it properly and don’t plan on doing anything to get pregnant behind his back or anything crazy like that.)

I guess my point is I really would just like some input from other women who HAVE experienced this and what you did to not think about it or how you got over it or just how you talked to your SO without feeling pushy about it. If it’s negative, go ahead and let me know. And if it’s positive, absolutely let me know.

(if you haven’t experienced what I’m going through and you just want to be a bitch, please don’t comment 🤗 thanks.)