Men are too funny!


We had some guests at our apartment yesterday. I was in the shower when they arrived.

I realized I forgot to bring in some panties to change into after I got out of the shower, so I text my boyfriend to bring me another pair.

Me: “babe, can you bring a comfy pair of undies into bathroom, forgot panties”

Him: “yes, one sec”

Him: “Which ones?” (No pictures)

Me: “idk, there should be blue ones right there”

Few moments later he comes in with this:

I’m cracking up so hard cause these shits are the least comfortable things in the world. Like we wear thongs but they’re not your good ol comfy panties!

This is what I asked for:

Hahahahaha! I even asked “do these look comfortable to you?” He said “they look comfortable ON you..”
