Sleep Issues

Our baby will be 1 soon, and he has some serious separation issues. He’s our third baby, and worst sleeper by far. Basically, he won’t sleep without me right next to him, and a lot of times he won’t even sleep without comfort nursing the majority of the time. He eats a good bit of solids, he only takes 1 nap a day, and won’t settle for the pacifier when he’s tired. Oh, and he’s a total momma’s boy. We aren’t open to the cry-it-out method... I’m aware that it works for some people, and that’s great, but the times we’ve tried it, it’s not been a good fit for our kids. We just haven’t had any good experiences with it. Plus, with our oldest just starting school, we don’t want the crying to keep him up at night.

Has anyone else been through this? Please tell me there IS a light at the end of this tunnel. Because this momma really needs a full night of sleep soon.