Can I handle it all? 😬


I am 22 years old, mommy to a 7 month old, and engaged to a man with a 5 year old that calls me mom. I am wanting to go back to school. I only completed one semester a few years ago. I want to get my doctorate in psychology to be a forensic psychologist. Yeah yeah I know that’s A LOT of school but I think it would be worth it. But my dilemma is I will have to take care of my family, work full time, and go to school full time for several years. On top of that my fiancé wants to join the Army and we want to try for another baby in a year or two. I’m worried I won’t be able to handle it all and that I’m just taking on too much. I know the decision is purely mine but I’d love some opinions and advice on the situation!

Pics of my family cause we’re cute 🤷🏻‍♀️

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