Please help me pick an induction date


There is so much to consider for my induction date and I need help choosing:

1. I have gestational diabetes so my doctor's don't want to wait too long

2. I've already had 2 inductions and as this is my last baby I would really like the option for her to come on her own if possible

3. Her due date is Sept 11

4. My anniversary is Sept 10 and would prefer not to share if possible

5. Both of my boys new weeks during pregnancy started on Tuesdays and both were born on Thursdays. She is also weekly on Tuesdays so it would be cool for her to be born on a Thursday

6. My mom's birthday is the 18th and she about died with excitement about sharing her birthday. Also my birthday is the 28

7. My doctors won't induce on weekends unless medically necessary

8. To be noted: she is very healthy and measuring perfectly on schedule with no immediate concerns even considering the GD which is diet controlled

Help! I'm hoping she will just come without me choosing her birthday. But my doctor wants me to schedule a date just in case.

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