Reoccurring dream/nightmare

Momma Fox • 1 of each 💝💙

I’ve had this dream about this person in an old mask. I’m almost positive it’s a guy. Very skinny, poorly taken care of, old? No shoes, and he wears old raggy shirt and pants, plus his mask. Which he cannot take off. Well he can, but anytime it’s going to come off, I wake up.

The dreams are never “scary” but they do have like a fearful feel. Like, I wake up panicky and nervous after seeing him.

He lives in a little white round room. Almost like it’s all made of rock. He’s sealed in there with just a small window out.

In this dream I just had, I was doing my dishes in front of his window. Talking to him. I asked who did his dishes, and went in to get his. He was then lying on the ground yelling,

“I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to make her into a colored woman. Colored like me, which I proudly am.” (When he said this I got an image of a bruised woman)

“She was just big enough.”

“I need to take my mask off!”

And when he starts taking it off, I wake up. I’ve never seen underneath it.