Should I?


Ok so yesterday I went for my 30 week growth ultrasound. I was excited to see my baby girl. Well she was head down and ob said she was too squished to my uterus to see her face . I was so disappointed but on the bright side she is growing good. She's 3lbs right now and head down 😊. Ob strongly believes she will not be turning due to lack of room. Any who I have ultrasound pics of all my baby's saved in an album around this time but I won't have one this time. Would it be worth getting and paying for a private scan to see if they will be able to get a clear pic of her? I've gone to a private one and their system is way more advanced than at my ob office. My husband is not for it. He said we'll see the baby when she gets here. I understand his point but this may be my last pregnancy and I want to enjoy it 😊

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Same problem! I got another scan and got home and thought omg he didnt print me any photos! I dunno if i can still get them. He wrote about the amazing profile he got but didnt print it. It was my 5th scan. I might be having one more tho.